
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A White Christmas (Part 2)

On Christmas morning (still in Minnesota) we opened gifts with Kyle's family.

Katelyn's first Barbie!

The day after Christmas, we went to a children's museum in Brookings, SD.  I would highly recommend it to anyone that lives close by.  They had a ton of areas that both Brooklyn & Katelyn enjoyed.
Katelyn shopping in the grocery store - a BIG hit!

Brooklyn's first job - a grocery store cashier.

Brooklyn had a cart almost completely full of milk.

Katelyn got all dressed up and was 'getting the mail'.

Our little artist loves to paint. So fun!

A room fully of water toys.

On Thursday it got up to about 17*, so we decided it was warm enough to take Katelyn sledding.  She absolutely loved it!  Brooklyn didn't really want to be set down in the snow and took one ride in the sled, but wasn't a huge fan yet.  It never got warm enough to build a snow man because the snow doesn't stick together when it is that cold, so I was a little bummed as Katelyn had been looking forward to it, but I'm pretty sure she was fine with sledding instead.
Brooklyn & Mommy watching the family sledding.

The family!

Mommy took one trip down with Katelyn.
Daddy & Katelyn
Her first hot chocolate after she got back from sledding.

 Grandma had a bunch of things lined up to keep the girls busy while we were there, included Play-Doh sets and a gingerbread house kit.  Katelyn had a blast.
We need to work on her holding her smile for the camera :-).

We played a lot of games while we were there.  I had to include this picture.  In addition to board and card games, these three played a lot of 'Tiny Tower' on their phones.  They were all playing and then when they noticed that I took out the camera, the phones were quickly shoved under the table.


I thought I had a pic of the grandparents & the girls, but it looks like it must have been on another camera (or phone).  I will have to try and get ahold of one.

We had a great trip, despite the fact that it did not reach 20* the entire time we were there.  It was great to be back in MN with the family.

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